Sunday, 8 December 2019


Mesh enabler is plugin for Inventor that makes mesh files to solid base feature or surface base feature. I Rendered from Inventor studio. Gopro case cannot be assembled with Gopro because of the lens. It is not known if this technology will be incorporated into a commercial product. After installing the technology preview, users can right click on one or more imported mesh features of interest, and convert them into Base features solids, surfaces, or composites through a new context menu command. mesh enabler inventor 2013

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I made ball joint to connect aluminium pipe and camera mount. I made angle constraints in 3D model mode and drive it in animation timeline.

As shipped Inventor can import mesh data from Catia files. It looked like below.

Newer Post Older Post Home. I downloaded enabbler free student software from the autodesk website. As part of the conversion process, the technology preview also does some simplification of the faceted data by merging multiple mesh triangles into a single face when possible.

2. Computer aid design

It was my first rendering! It will be 3d printed and the design should be added hole for the bolt to be fasten well. On this week, the assignment was to model draw, render, animate, simulate It is not known if this technology will be incorporated into a commercial product. It was hard to setup the constraints. I assembled all the file I downloaded, and modified the size to servos fit into the mount.

Gopro case cannot be assembled with Gopro because of the lens.

mesh enabler inventor 2013

After installing the technology preview, users can right click on one or more imported mesh features of interest, and convert them into Base features solids, surfaces, or composites through a new context menu command. It takes much times to make new one.

mesh enabler inventor 2013

Post a Comment Note: I selected a camera View, Lighting style: The resulting Base features can then be used for further operations including drawings and measurements. If I used parametric properties when I made dimensions, I could save much times.

Import STL mesh files into Autodesk Inventor

I have a experience with a SolidWorks and Sketchup. I modeled and rendered with Autodesk Inventor. I downloaded GoPro and servo motor models. The Inventor compatible preview is available until January 31, at which time the license expires and the function will be disabled.

mesh enabler inventor 2013

I Rendered from Inventor studio. I decided to using Autodesk Inventor for this assignment. The graphical mesh data is converted into B-Rep Model data that can be used similar to imported solids and surfaces.

Inventor Topix: Autodesk Labs - Mesh Enabler for Inventor

Mesh enabler is plugin for Inventor that makes mesh files to solid base feature or surface base feature. The biggest mistake I made was that the Gopro case was not fit in my Gopro model. Similarly the Inventor compatible preview is available until January 31, enablre which time the license expires and the function will be disabled.

Posted by jdits7 Email This BlogThis!

Import STL mesh files into Autodesk Inventor – Pinter Computing

I changed design for the lens. I needed to change the angle.

I modeled a part of my potential project Real life invento with third person view. Only a member of this blog may post a comment. I made a simple 3D animation with Autodesk Inventor studio.

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